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STRONG WHEN IT HURTS THE MOST All my life, I have been so blessed. Sometimes I forget that. We often forget that we are blessed when there is chaos in our life. When depression takes over, when anxiety kicks in, when a loss takes place, and even when we’re just having a bad day. Blessed isn’t even in our vocabulary. You try to suck it up and be strong but truth is you just can’t do it anymore. You want to just give up. I’ve had a lot happen this year. Lots of sad times of loss. Lots of tears. Lots of laughs. Lots of smiles. Lots of anger. Lots of pain. But in the midst of my crazy life, I managed to give thanks to God. He takes you through highs and lows. He never lets you do it alone. When you’re hurting so bad you want to confine in something that heals you instantly. That’s why people often turn to drugs or other substances. God may not heal your pain instantly, but only to make you stronger. We can’t breath without God. We can’t function without God. I know that if God left me alone in my time of pain I wouldn’t make it through half a day. So just know you are not alone. You may be hurting but you are strong because you haven’t given up yet. When you’re hurting so bad and you feel like giving up, cry out his name and thank him for this season. Because he will give you strength. It’s by HIS stripes we are healed. Not alcohols. Not drugs. Not social media. Not money. Not boyfriends or girlfriends. His stripes. He gives you strength when it hurts the most. 

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