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GRACEFULLY BROKEN As you are gracefully made by the hands of God, you are gracefully broken by the hands of this world. This is true, but God puts you in certain situations to build you up better than you were before. The things of this world take part in this. God lets in certain things in your life to test your faith. He won’t ever give you more than you can handle. But he wont give you less than you can take. People tell me sometimes how put together I am. How perfect my life looks. The truth is, there isn’t one. My life is a mess. I’m constantly trying to get school work done, trying to make my Instagrams look perfect, or worried about the future. The beautiful thing about being broken, is that no matter how you were broken or how broken you are, God can put you back together. As humans we like to know how to fix things. Wether it’s fixing a relationship, fixing our hair, fixing our grades, or etc. . Before really diving into this, I thought about how someone can be gracefully made AND gracefully broken. When you think of gracefully what do you think of? Probably a ballerina or a person with poise. describes the word Gracefully as: “characterized by elegance or beauty of form, manner, movement, or speech; elegant:” Gracefully doesn’t always mean carefully or with poise. When God puts you back together it’s supposed to be described as beautiful. The way God breaks us and puts us back together to become stronger in him is beautiful. You’re beautiful even when you’re broken because God is molding you into something greater than your worries. Something greater than your daily struggles! Even greater than the things going right in your life! Just understand that God intended for you to break because he’s not human. He knows how to fix you! We are all indeed gracefully broken.  

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