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Where do you find your joy? What do you find joy in? Possibly who? You can find joy in almost anything. I often find joy in my friends and family. There’s no such thing as too much joy. There’s also no such thing as no joy. You can have joy but just not feel it. Claim your joy! Be a joy to someone else. You may be the one thing to keep them going. You should find joy in working for the kingdom. You should find joy in serving others. We don’t always feel like being selfless… especially when you don’t have joy for yourself. You can’t let the devil steal your joy! You’re not working to glorify God if you don’t find joy in it. You’re working for a self title. You don’t live to build a self title. You live to build up and lift up his name. I don’t know about you but I can always find joy in knowing that there is a father above that has faith in me when no one else does. We often find ourselves with tamed joy, because we don’t want to throw it in someone else face. Well stop! Share your joy!! Give your joy to the king! Find joy in the fact that you are no longer bound by chains and the weight of this world. No matter your situation, you can find joy. While you may not have joy out of a relationship, you can find joy in being a confident, independent individual. Move where your joy takes you. Joy is defined as “a feeling of great pleasure and happiness”. Define your joy. Joy shouldn’t become an act like your apart of a circus. It should be apart of who you are. the Bible says in Psalms 98:4 KJV “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the Earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.” You see, joy isn’t meant to be quiet. Joy is like a lion. Let joy roar and be free! Your worship shouldn’t be quiet. You can’t be quiet and sing praises to the lord. Have untamed joy! What makes you joyful? Post on your story on instagram and tag us @gracefullymadeblog.

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