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Don’t try to fit in tight places. You could get stuck or just hurt trying. You might ask, “How does this relate to my life?” Well listen, and let me tell you. Don’t try and fit in with the “cool” crowd. Anywhere you go there are certain people that automatically consider themselves better or worse. People may try and put you in a certain group but it’s not Gods image of you. You were created by his perfect love and his perfect image. Not man or social medias judgmental image. You have to remember, “I am not the filter you put on me.” People will try to put you in the corner of their hierarchy in which they think that you belong. They will judge you by what your instagram looks like. You don’t know anything about these people but what they look like. Last week they might have almost died by attempting suicide. They might have ran away from home. YOU NEVER KNOW. Gods image for you is that you were made to stand out. What’s stopping you? We often put OURSELVES in these groups. You get to decide who changes you. It could be the drug addict down the street, or it could be the person in your church that has a testimony to share. You also get to decide who YOU change. Invite people to church no matter what their instagram looks like or what they look like. Change people for the better. Not for your benefit or theirs, but for Gods. Glorify God in everything you do. Don’t try and fit in the wrong crowd or be friends with toxic people. You might get stuck like them or hurt your relationship with God trying.

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