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A lot of times in our life we feel like everything just stops.

But that’s why we feel the need for speed. We suddenly feel the urge to find the one thing that keeps us going. I have felt this way many times, and it makes you feel like you’re life keeps spinning in a time loop. Sometimes there’s not much we can do but pray, and other times there’s so many changes we can make to just our attitudes. If we look into Ecclesiastes 3:1 it says, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven:” This verse tells us that everyone has a purpose on this earth, and we must wait in each season PAITIENTLY on Gods time. Don’t rush past your week, live every moment! This Summer take the time to enjoy being with your friends. Go do something while you wait for this season to bring new ones. Till next Monday;)

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